Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are Luxury Smartwatches a necessity?

There was a time when there were only two choices watches and luxury watches. The Swiss watches are famous for the quality, style and fashion. However, things started changing after the introduction of the smartwatches. Tech giant companies started coming up with technology based watches that are doing many more a simple watch can do.

However, that started hurting the luxury watches in terms of sale. However, to stay afloat in the competition and in the market, the luxury watches like Tag Heuer and similar have jumped into the smartwatches business. It has been termed as the luxury smartwatches. But the question that comes up is the necessity of the luxury smartwatches.

So, here are the things that are to be considered for the luxury smartwatches.


Features are very important when it comes to the Smartwatches. However, the luxury smartwatches lack as of now as compared to the normal smartwatches. It is true that luxury smartwatches are improving but as of now, these brands do not give anything spectacular apart from brand and quality. The smartwatches are called luxury brands but there is no such things that can make it one of the best in the market. As a luxury smartwatches maker, the companies must push for the technical specifications.

Alpina, MMT, Helvetica, Breitling, TAG Heuer and many others have started making their smartwatches with gold plated or diamond added features. true that the design is important and it is far way ahead of the smartwatches from Samsung, Apple, LG, Sony and others.

Why Luxury smartwatches

This is the most important part of the luxury smartwatches. The smartwatches provide you decent performance and functions. However, these are the best designed smartwatches in the market. But as far as the smartwatches are concerned, you look for tech specific features. Apple is coming with FaceTime Camera; Sony is coming with e-Pay. However, there are hardly anything specific launched by the smartwatches. The smartwatches are all about features than design and appearance.

The luxury smartwatches do not have digital display, popular apps and many basic requirements for smartwatches. However, you can connect the smartwatches with the mobile app and then use it for the basic functionalities. However, when it comes to the smartwatches, the luxury watches are better at design and more valuable than other smartwatches but these are not better than normal smartwatches.

Is Luxury smartwatches a necessity?

Well, luxury smartwatches are for valuable products and obviously luxurious. However, the smartwatches can be bought for status and brand value. However, the luxury smartwatches can't be considered necessity because you can get all of the benefits of smartwatches in normal Smartwatches but you will only get high priced and beautifully designed smartwatches.

As far as the necessity is concerned a user would not be interested to buy a smartwatch that does not have digital display and popular apps but is gold plated and costs around $1295 and more. The luxury smartwatches are still luxury not the necessary.

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